Turf Grass Maintenance - Fescue


Establishment: Seed, Sod

Plant strengths: Part shade, variety of soil conditions.


·      Mowing Height – Ideally 3” to 4”

·      Mowing Frequency – Weekly during growing season, monthly or bi weekly during low growth seasons.

o   In upstate SC (Greenville, SC) we typically see the grass start having intense, fast growth February - April, and start slowing down as warmer temperatures become more common. Around October, the growth rate will pick up again through December.

o   On average, you can expect 30-33 mows over the course of the year.

·      Nitrogen per year: 2-3 lbs. per 1000 square feet.

·      Disease tendency: Low

·      Weaknesses:

o   Fescue does not spread via rhizomes or stolons as some of the warm season grasses do, meaning it often needs the help of a reseed each fall.

o   Fescue does require a higher amount of water due to its cold nature, especially during the summer.

·       Industry best practices: Aerate and overseed in fall, get on a professional fertilizer and weed control program.

Check out https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/tall-fescue-maintenance-calendar/ for more information about Fescue Grass!

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